+62 21 75915813 (Jakarta), +62 361 8477490 (Bali) infojkt@layurveda.com infobali@layurveda.com

Transforming People

“L’Ayurveda is a magical experience per se. Not only the therapists are very welcoming, kind, respectful, and there to help you in your personal development with no judgment whatsoever; but they have incredible skills in their respective fields (energetic treatments for some, massages for others). Weeks after weeks you can feel a real evolution in your life, at physical, emotional and spiritual levels.”


– Saajja, France

Our Services

We Serve to Transform Your Life

All therapies and techniques in L’Ayurveda are tailor-made and adapted towards the needs of the local climate and tradition, to preserve the health of an individual and to heal the sick. Our aim is to give attention towards the mind, body and soul.

Healing & Beauty Treatments

Body Treatments

  • Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage (60 minutes) A full body ayurvedic massage using special oil suiting your body constitution.
  • Tension Relief Massage (45 minutes) Ayurvedic back and shoulder massage to release tensions.
  • Kundalini Healing Massage (90 minutes) Massage of marma points to stimulate your various bodily organs. Beneficial for improving your overall health, also awaken your Kundalini.
  • Kati Basti (45 minutes) A therapy to relieve pain and stiffness at lower back, sciatica pain, and spinal problems using warm medicated oils. Relaxing lumbar muscles and restore your energy flow.
  • Chakra Healing Massage (45 minutes) Letting go your emotional burden through massage of the chakras. Deep impact on emotional level.
  • Udawartana (Scrub Massage) (45 minutes) Skin (deep) exfoliation with herbal powders for improving blood circulation, removing dead cells, rejuvenating your skin, and also beneficial for weight reduction.
  • Pinda Sweda Massage (75 minutes)Pinda Sweda is an age-old massage therapy that uses warm medicated oils in a cloth bag. The bag is made from fine cloth and the composition of medicated oils and herbs inside is customized based on the health condition to be treated. In the Pinda Sweda massage, the bag with herbal concoction is placed on the joints, muscles, and tendons to reduce pain, Inflammation and other conditions.
  • EHSS (Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity Syndromes) Massage (45 minutes)To free the body and mind from the negative effects of EMF-electromagnetic field, by massaging at certain marma
    points, ending with a salt bath & special aromatherapy.

Face & Head Treatments

  • Shirodhara Oil Massage (60 minutes) An ayurvedic head massage; started with relaxing massage for your back and neck, and closed by a gentle pour of ayurvedic oil on your 3rd eye. Beneficial for balancing vata (air & ether elements), kapha (water & earth elements), relaxation, calming, enhancing focus, and overcoming insomnia, anxiety, stress. Also good for hair and a powerful anti-aging therapy.
  • Ksheeradhara Massage (60 minutes) An ayurvedic head massage; started with relaxing massage for your back and neck, and closed by a gentle pour of special mixture of herbs and milk on your 3rd eye. Beneficial for balancing pita (fire & water elements), overcoming insomnia, anger and frustration, while also good for digestive and skin related problems.
  • Maharani Facial Therapy (60 minutes) A classic royal facial treatment used for queens since thousands of years ago.
  • Netra Basti (45 minutes, recommended 14x treatments) Ayurvedic eye treatment to relieve sore and tired eyes and related problems such as dryness, stress, and dark circle under eyes. Beneficial for improving eye sight (myopia and hypermetropia) and nourishing nervous system.
  • Karna Purana (30 minutes) A therapy to cleanse your ears’ canals by dropping ayurvedic oil combined with a gentle face massage and reiki therapy. Beneficial for improving hearing and relieving ear-related diseases.
  • Nasayam Purana (30 minutes) A therapy to cleanse your sinus cavities by dropping ayurvedic oil combined with a gentle face massage and reiki therapy. Beneficial for relieving sinusitis and throat problems.

Leg & Foot Treatments

  • Janu Basti (45 minutes) A therapy to relieve pain and stiffness on knees using warm medicated oils. Also beneficial for arthritis and knee injuries.
  • Padabhyanga (45 minutes) Ayurvedic foot and leg massage with acupressure on sole to relax whole body and enhance immunity.


  • Morning Yoga Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) to spirit you up with dynamic yet calm attitude to face daily challenges. Bilingual: Tuesday-Friday at 8.00-8.30 a.m.
  • AIM-Yoga Ananda’s Integral Meditative Yoga, a combination of Meditation and Yoga which is proper to be practiced by all, beginners to experts, kids to above 80 years old. English: Friday at 4.00-5.00 p.m. Indonesia: Saturday at 4.00-5.00 p.m.
  • Ananda’s Neo Kundalini Yoga (7 sessions @45 minutes) A yoga package to help you balance the chakras or energy centers. A complete practice of asana, pranayama, sound vibration and affirmation, this package will help awaken your Kundalini, your inherent potential. English: Sunday at 4.00-5.00 p.m.
  • Yoga for Special Purposes
    • Yoga for Weight Management
    • Yoga for Diabetes Free
    • Yoga for Beauty Dedicated to those who love to access & enhance the inner beauty, eradiate an aura of beauty, and share this beauty to others.
    • Yoga for Relieving Headache & Migraine
    • Yoga for Fertility
    • Prenatal Yoga For 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trisemester.
    • Yoga for Kids Expose the inner beauty of your children’s soul with this specially designed yoga program for kids to increase their memory span, concentration, intelligence and even to teach them universal values of life.

Special Therapies

  • Speedy Relaxation Techniques (30 Minutes) A relaxation techniques to help overcome stress in a matter of minutes.
  • Speedy Emotion Culturing Techniques (30 Minutes) A yogic sound vibration technique beneficial to overcome anxieties, tensions and emotional imbalance.
  • Therapy to Free Anxiety (30 Minutes) A yogic dynamic cleansing technique to free you from anxiety, mental/emotional burdens, and restlessness.
  • Self Empowerment with Love (30 Minutes) Therapy to improve your perspective toward life, cultivate love and compasion, and enhance your focus.
  • Mind Culturing (30 Minutes) Therapy to help you being the master of your mind and transform it into intelligence.
  • Gibberish/Weeping/Offering/Dancing/Laughing (30 Minutes) Meditation techniques for self exploration and self annihilation.

Energy Healing Therapies

  • Ananda Divya Aushadh (45 minutes) For healing your body, mind and soul by removing energy blockages through touch therapy.
  • Neo Crystal Color Therapy (60 minutes) This treatment balances your chakras or energy centers through color and crystals therapy.


  • Tarot Counseling (30 minutes)Analyze yourself with the help of Tarot Cards. Consult your love life, businesses, and other specific issues.
    For those who cannot make your visit to L’Ayurveda, we provide you with a Tarot Counselling via e-mail. Click here to fill in the Online Counselling Request Form
  • Past Life Regression (3 Special Therapies + Regression) An interesting journey to explore your past life and help you release those burdening past.
  • Liberating Karmic Binding Therapy (90 minutes) A healing meditation helps you to cut your karmic bindings from your past or issues in life. It is a potent healing method for those who want to let go of their “garbage” in life, such as recurring dreams, unfinished business with past lover or loved ones, and difficulty to move on.
  • Heart to Heart/Ayurveda Dosha Check (30 minutes)A pre- therapy counselling to check your body and mind constitutions, health issues, and listening to your problems, therefore our therapist is able to recommend the right therapies or treatments for your healing.


  •  Aura (Abhyanga & Udawartana) 90 minutes
    A full body ayurvedic message using special oil suiting your body constitution plus skin (deep) exfoliation with herbal powders for improving blood circulation, removing dead cells, rejuvenating your skin, and also beneficial for weight reduction.
  • Full Relaxing Pack (Abhyanga, Shirodhara Oil, Divya Aushadh) 130 minutes

    A full body ayurvedic message using special oil suiting your body constitution combined with a gentle pour of ayurvedic oil on your 3rd eye and steam as the last touch to give you total relaxation experience. Very beneficial for balancing vata (air & ether elements), kapha (water & earth elements), relaxation, calming, enhancing focus, and overcoming insomnia, anxiety, stress. Also good for hair and a powerful anti-aging therapy.

  • Stress Detox Pack (TherFA, Abhyanga, Shirodhara Oil, Divya Aushadh) 160 minutes

    A yogic dynamic cleansing technique to free you from anxiety, mental/emotional burdens, and restlessness. After that you will have a full body ayurvedic message using special oil suiting your body constitution combined with a gentle pour of ayurvedic oil on your 3rd eye and steam as the last touch to give you total relaxation and stress detoxification experience. Very beneficial for balancing vata (air & ether elements), kapha (water & earth elements), relaxation, calming, enhancing focus, and overcoming insomnia, anxiety, stress. Also good for hair and a powerful anti-aging therapy.

  • Clear Sight Pack (SeLo, Netra Basti, Shirodhara Oil) 135 minutes

    Therapy to improve your perspective toward life, cultivate love and compasion, and enhance your focus. Continued with Ayurvedic eye treatment to relieve sore and tired eyes and related problems such as dryness, stress, and dark circle under eyes and ended with An ayurvedic head massage; started with relaxing massage for your back and neck, and closed by a gentle pour of ayurvedic oil on your 3rd eye. Beneficial for improving eye sight (myopia and hypermetropia) and nourishing nervous system, balancing vata (air & ether elements), kapha (water & earth elements), relaxation, calming, enhancing focus, and overcoming insomnia, anxiety, stress. Also good for hair and a powerful anti-aging therapy.

  • Five Senses Pack (Udawartana, Netra Basti, Nasya & Karna Purana, Kawala) 120 minutes

    Special Ayurvedic Treatment to cleanse our senses of perception, namely skin cleansing through exfoliation with herbal powders for improving blood circulation, removing dead cells, rejuvenating your skin, and also beneficial for weight reduction; eyes cleansing through eyes bathing in medicinal purified butter to relax eyes and improve eye sight; nasal cleansing by dropping ayurvedic oil combined  to relieve sinusitis and throat related problems; ear cleansing by dropping ayurvedic oil to improve hearing; and tongue cleansing using special herbal paste to improve sense of taste.

  • Colon Therapy Pack (Abhyanga + Steam + Medicated Herbal Liquid) 90 minutes

    A full body ayurvedic message using special oil suiting your body constitution, continued with Steam Treatment to purify the body with aromatherapy and herbal sweating, plus unique combination of herbal enema to cure gases, constipation, and clean lower colon.

Public Workshops

  • Ananda’s Neo Zen Reiki Divya Ausadh Attunement – 180 minutes This program will put your energy patterns in harmony with that of the nature, which will turn you into an Ananda’s Neo Zen Reiki Divya Ausadh Practitioner.
  • Crystal Program – 60-240 minutes
  • Pendulum Awareness
  • Ayur Crystal Healing
  • Meditate with Crystal
  • Mystery of Pyramid Power Crystal
  • Neo Psychic Awareness – 240 minutesThis program is designed to make you a ‘psychic’ to empower your senses in order to live in harmony with nature.
  • Ayurvedic Self Healing – 240 minutes Be A Self Healer to overcome your problems! You will learn how to manage your diet, breathing technique, yogic posture, and self massage according to Ayurveda, the thousand years old science of holistic health.
  • Past Life Regression – 2 days An interesting journey to explore your past life and help you release those burdening past.
  • Liberating Karmic Binding – 2 days Many events have happened in our life, painful experiences, troubled relationship which are caused by Karma. That is why even after through many healing methods, it is still difficult to overcome the problems. Liberating Karmic Binding will help you to understand karma; identify & cut karmic binding; and redesign your life.

Corporate Workshops

Available in BAHASA INDONESIA only

  • AYUR TEAM EMPOWERMENT “Great Team Begin Here”
  • AYUR SELF LEADERSHIP “The Art of Knowing Oneself Through the Ancient Eastern Wisdom”
  • AYUR STRESS MANAGEMENT “Transform Your Stress Energy into Creative Energy”
  • AYUR YOGA FOR OFFICE “The Harmony and Balancing of Mind, Body & Soul”
  • SERVE FROM THE HEART “Increasing Customer Satisfaction”
  • OTHER CUSTOMISED PROGRAMS, e.g.: Retiree Empowerment, Yoga for Corporate, etc.